“I am so done ! I am 25 and pregnant , wow just wow ! “ I grumbled during my
first pregnancy . I was pregnant for 8 months. I was happy that I was going to
be a mom but the sudden change in everything had me all tied up.
I was literally fat at the center and found it hard to manage even a total of 4 tasks on my
own. Plus the pain would always come back. All of my friends who had studied
college with me and most of my childhood friends were unmarried, single and happy ! Well
atleast that’s what I thought until I happened to meet them one rainy day.
My mom in law wouldn’t let me go out during my last months of pregnancy , that too added up on my frustrations. Imagine sitting at home watching tv ,eating and some more eating and not being able to go out to watch a movie or shop or even for a walk ! Whatever exercise had to be done within the house or in the garden. As this was my first child everything was alien and it was tough getting used to such situations and one fine day the volcano erupted and I broke rules wore a maxi dress along with my favorite flats and went shopping all by myself. Thanks to hubby he was kind enough to drop me (But he made me promise to reach home before my sweet mom in law would be back home from some function she had gone to).
As I walked past the bustling streets to the shopping mall I suddenly did not want to shop and instead of heading to the mall I caught a taxi and went straight to a place where me and my friends would enjoy during our college days. It was a resort but a smaller version and it took the taxi wala an hour to reach there.Surprisingly all of the tension from the past few months started leaving my shoulders and I felt way relaxed than I had felt in the past few years. There was a different kind of happiness in living the olden days again. The best part was when I reached there and fate had it as I was reunited with two of my bestest friends from college !
What a day it was , a memorable one ! We had coffee and shakes and cupcakes . Rejoicing and talking about our lives. My friends were all over me and awwing when I told them about my loving husband and the new joy which would be soon joining us. They discussed how they had been tied up with their jobs and had never time for a man but were stunned by the way things I had managed. That’s when I knew I was so lucky to be what I was and to have such limitless joy in my life. Their enthusiasm in wanting to know how I managed everything , their awe at my family and how I multi tasked put my life into the limelight. That day I enjoyed and felt like a happy kid.And finally my friends told me how they wished we had been #together and in touch and we made promises to stay in touch from then and there ! One of my friends had bought a new car in her own salary and we celebrated and cheered and she even gave us tips on buying and choosing a car , and the best she dropped me home safe and happy, oh yes I was so happy that day , from that day I felt a change I had never felt before !It was a day I always #LookUp to when I feel down :)

My mom in law wouldn’t let me go out during my last months of pregnancy , that too added up on my frustrations. Imagine sitting at home watching tv ,eating and some more eating and not being able to go out to watch a movie or shop or even for a walk ! Whatever exercise had to be done within the house or in the garden. As this was my first child everything was alien and it was tough getting used to such situations and one fine day the volcano erupted and I broke rules wore a maxi dress along with my favorite flats and went shopping all by myself. Thanks to hubby he was kind enough to drop me (But he made me promise to reach home before my sweet mom in law would be back home from some function she had gone to).
As I walked past the bustling streets to the shopping mall I suddenly did not want to shop and instead of heading to the mall I caught a taxi and went straight to a place where me and my friends would enjoy during our college days. It was a resort but a smaller version and it took the taxi wala an hour to reach there.Surprisingly all of the tension from the past few months started leaving my shoulders and I felt way relaxed than I had felt in the past few years. There was a different kind of happiness in living the olden days again. The best part was when I reached there and fate had it as I was reunited with two of my bestest friends from college !
What a day it was , a memorable one ! We had coffee and shakes and cupcakes . Rejoicing and talking about our lives. My friends were all over me and awwing when I told them about my loving husband and the new joy which would be soon joining us. They discussed how they had been tied up with their jobs and had never time for a man but were stunned by the way things I had managed. That’s when I knew I was so lucky to be what I was and to have such limitless joy in my life. Their enthusiasm in wanting to know how I managed everything , their awe at my family and how I multi tasked put my life into the limelight. That day I enjoyed and felt like a happy kid.And finally my friends told me how they wished we had been #together and in touch and we made promises to stay in touch from then and there ! One of my friends had bought a new car in her own salary and we celebrated and cheered and she even gave us tips on buying and choosing a car , and the best she dropped me home safe and happy, oh yes I was so happy that day , from that day I felt a change I had never felt before !It was a day I always #LookUp to when I feel down :)